Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Rosie On Wheels

Meet Rosie! She's the therapy dog at my doctor's office. She belongs to the Nurse Practitioner, Cathy Maine, who brought her in when Cathy began working there several years ago. Rosie at that time had no need for the rear-end wheels, but about a year ago, she jumped off Cathy's bed, landed wrong, and the outcome was paralysis of her back legs. Cathy and her employer, Dr. Jane Toothman, decided to do what they could to ensure her quality (and quantity) of life. At first, Cathy brought her in a baby's stroller, and when she's having a bad day (Rosie, not Cathy) she still comes in the stroller and either Cathy or the doctor push her from examining room to examining room so she can visit with patients and do her job, providing therapy.

But she was at her peak yesterday when I had a doctor's appointment. That's a little squeaky squirrel toy lying next to her in the photo and those are my feet. Doctor T. took the photo. The next time I go I'll be sure to take my little Flip video camera so I can get a video of her playing. She runs up and down the hallway and those wheels go exactly where she wants them to go--and fast! When I get it, I'll post it! 

MimiRock at Castle Yonder
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