Friday, June 12, 2009

55 Flash Fiction Friday

Another Blog I follow, Granny Sue's News and Reviews, introduced the idea of writing exceedingly brief stories for blog-publication on Fridays. She had learned of it from Susan of Stony River Farm, another Blogspot treasure, who passed on the idea of Mr.Knowitall-aka G-Man from his Blog. See how the Internet works! 

I really like this challenge. It is similar to the group called "One-Sentence Stories"  that is on the Professional Storyteller website. I found it fun to compose a complete story in one sentence, although admittedly the plot and conclusion is left to the reader's imagination. 

Sooo--I aim to rise to this challenge. The woman in the picture above is the character for my first 55 Flash Fiction. The rules as explained by G-Man are that it must be exactly 55 words, have at least one character, and have a plot. So, here goes:

The rage Irena felt was not flaming like a fire that had just started, but more like burned embers that smoldered through endurance. She was thinking about that when she saw him head for their table. Remembering how it had begun, she fingered the object in her purse, opened it and took out her solution.
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