Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The End Of A Chapter titled Castle Yonder 1984-2011

     As of this morning, Castle Yonder is no longer my property. I signed over the title at what is called in real-estate jargon, a "closing." Thanks to the generosity of the new owner, I can continue to live here until the end of October; however, I have scheduled my move to Abingdon the end of September.

     I am excited about my new-to-me charming American cottage that I'll be moving into, but am so very sad about leaving Castle Yonder which Rocky put so much of himself into. He was an amazing woodworker and stone mason and did the giant fireplace that opened onto two levels on opposite sides. He built the bathroom vanities, laid the hardwood floors, and built bookcases and china cabinets. He built the log ceiling beams and the ceiling in between. He built two decks and a small and a large balcony. He used field stone to terrace planter beds so there would be no lawn to mow. He maintained and oversaw all this for close to 25 years, until 2004 when he got sick. What joy we had until then.

     Unfortunately, after he died I could not manage and was way too lonely to spend winter wonderlands here in the silence. Now Castle Yonder is no longer mine, but I have about five weeks to breathe in the air and the memories. I have loads of photos and would like to show you below a few of my favorite ones.